Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I had been busy since last December since I have to monitor the renovation for our "new" office. Driving back and forth from the old office to new office for uncountable times per day had been a routine for me for the past few months and now when I have moved into the new office, it is all okay so far...there were some glitches along the way but then all had been sorted out...=)

This year's birthday I didn't celebrated it like the previous years. It was a quite celebration with my friends and sister at Starbucks, The Curve. I like it cos it was a very peaceful celebration, Party scene is no longer for me already I guess. Maybe cos age is catching up, I don't know....

For now, I can still steal some time from doing my reports*ahaks* to update this blog that I had abandoned for quite some time. Nothing much interesting things happened in my life for the past few months excepts for these:

*A year older*
*Fought with few people*
*learning to keep distance from people as I also learn that sometimes we really need to rely on ourselves as people will not always there for you*
*looking for new opportunity out there*
*learn to bottle up things and try to throw it deep inside myself and guess what, it doesn't make me sad at all*
*learn to prioritize the feeling*
*Love the clause "ade aku kesah?!*

Other than that, everything is the same old, same old....


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