Tuesday, October 20, 2009

so called unfortunated week

I had been observing my water meter inside WKN and I noticed that every time I stopped at the traffic light or caught in the jam, the water meter will increase. Told Kenny and Joe about that, according to them there must be something wrong with the water tank. It really worries me so much because when I stopped while waiting for the light to turn green yesterday, the indicator went up almost to the RED section.

This morning texted boss saying that I will be a bit late to the office cos I need to drop by the mechanic place to send WKN and ask him to check what is wrong with it and according to the mechanic, WKN's water pipe got leakage. Luckily it didn't cost much to repair it but I am sad, is it a sign for me to change WKN? I love WKN.... Thinking about changing it, tears start swelling in my eyes.....

too much memories between me and WKN....


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