Monday, July 27, 2009

when we are still living in denial....

I think I will never accept the fact that some people have the stupid mentality about races and religion. Why there are still such people like this? We are living in a modern world right now, what is wrong about being friends with different races? My best friends are malays and MOST of my friends are MALAYS!! Is there any problem? I can't see there any problem with it or is there really a problem where I am too naive to notice it?

I do not understand whereby why these kind of people who are racist look at other races differently. When ME as a CHINESE and my best friends as MALAYS bleed, our blood are the same colour. Are our blood have different shade of color which I can't see it or notice it before? Can you *racist* people see that your blood is different colour with other races*I think you*racist people* have bionic eyes man if you can see the difference!*? Is your blood is more holy compared to other races? Are you guaranteed by your God*Jesus Christ,Allah,Tao* that you got a place in heaven and will be sitting next to the Almighty? Can you racist people*I need only one* answer me these questions please?

Seriously, I can't understand what's on their mind.....


leendiaz said...

it is so sad u know. and what hurt the most, where ppl that really close to u also dont want to believe and still being racist towards u. how could they do that??

just a piece of mind said...

i know!!sucks rite???hate racism!!

leendiaz said...

it is damn sucks!! who are they to judge la wey

Little Ms Midnight said...

How good if everyone thinks like you guys did?

leendiaz said...

i really hope they have the same thinking like us

just a piece of mind said...

if everyone thinks the same way, i think the world has no war,everyone will live peacefully rite?

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