Monday, June 1, 2009

Allo sir,want to buy henfon ah?

Finally I've got the answer from my boss why this thing happened. I was not satisfied with the answer but let it be la. Do not give a f*ck anymore.

I had changed to another company due to some internal changes and my new company's name sounds funny wey!!It sounded like we are selling FREAKING HANDPHONE in Sungei Wang instead of advertising firm. From the new name, people can imagine us with all the florescent hair colors and wear those hideous clothing!!!Trust me if you know the new name, I think you will be rolling on the floor laughing wey!!!

We had dinner with Shun Yau yesterday cos he's leaving us and moved to another group.*he no longer with us* Me and Hoh were making jokes about our new company name. If the company do not succeed in what they*the bosses* are planning to do, all of the staffs will given one catalog contains handphone pictures and all of us will start selling handphones man!!!*allo mister,u wanna buy henpon huh?I got a lot pictures to show you one.have a look la..."*with that apek slang*

Crazy man!!seriously crazy!!


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