Wednesday, May 27, 2009

For the brokenhearted

It's only for someone who need someone to wrapped around, who need an open arms to share, maybe this could be make to get being better.

When... it's the person u feel the most comfortable w/ in the world, and to know that u've.. u share that special bond w/ one other person that's the best feeling in the world.. but when u lose that feeling.. when u lose the only thing that ever mattered to u.. it seems like life has no purpose, no point at all..

U feel like u could just curl up and die.. that nothing or no one else matters to u.. and the only thing that u've ever wanted is now gone and u'll do anything to get him/her back, coz he's worth it.. u'll try and try until one day u realize.. that things will never be the same again. Ur love is still there, deep inside of u.. so u try ur best to just be friends, and it works for a while.. but the feelings are still there.. and no matter how hard u try friend will never be good enough..

So u want to forget about him/her, but that's even harder.. there's too many memories, to many good times to just forget.. and no matter what u do, he's/she's always there.. everywhere u look, everything u do, every place u go, every song u hear, everyone u see.. reminds you of him/her.. and u hope some day u'll be back together but until then there's nothing u can do..

But sit and cry, to go through that pain when he/she talks about another woman/man he/she likes, or how good his/her life is going.

And that pain breaks ur heart day after day, tear after tear, until u've no more tears to cry, until u just get used to that hole in ur heart that won't go away, that pain that never leaves u, that lonely feeling that stays with u forever, and u may have other guys, but nothing or no one could ever compare, and u know that.

Now here.. that what many people said about love.. love is perfect, love is kind.. isn't it? or It isn't just a peace of mind, maybe Love is something u need to give, it is something u need to live, everyone think, love is also very unique, love is great, love is loyal, but It isn't something rotten or spoiled, for what u got, love can be love, love can be liked, to love as in use, it isn't right, love can be friendship, inside down of partnership, in a relationship of love, u give ur advice, many kind of people said, love can be happy, love can be sad, but that doesn't mean to love is bad, to love someone can be such great pleasure, it what makes u and him one hell of a treasure, sometimes love of course has its ups and downs, but, that doesn't mean that it's not around, love or to be loved is what u want.. it's came over from inside my heart, not just to show of mine, or try to manipulated my words to get someone hearts.. die on me.. here, just trying to help some friend of mine..
coz i care it's only words.. maybe another people could make this better... that's what i can do for my friend.. still many concern.. from here some people around u...

*taken from this blog.

As for my "Mission Impossible", I failed again today....T___T


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