Monday, May 25, 2009

Mission Impossible!

At 645am this morning, my alarm went off as I planned to reach office before 8am. I wanna train myself to go to work at 8am so that on Friday I can leave office around 6pm. Enough time to go to Dayah's wedding at Mantin but unfortunately the plan FAILED!*arghhhh*

My officemate called to give me a wake up call but it had been ignored as during sleeping time I DO have the tendency of ignoring phone calls or IF I do pick up the call, you will hear me talking ALIEN LANGUAGE!Quite number of people kena dah!

I still have tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to try it!Come on Audrey,you can do it!

*crossing fingers*


*This has nothing to do with the earlier post*

It is gloomy out there as same as what I am feeling right now inside of me. I am just tired of being ME. Can I be someone else just for one day?can I?

I hate my job.
I hate my surrounding.
I hate to get to know new people.
I hate touchy and clingy people. No matter what was their reason for acting such way.
I hate to be nice to people.
I hate to not express my true self by not telling them that I hate it when they do that to me.
I hate to be judged by other people. You do not know me that well man!
I hate people keep on telling me that what I did and what path I chose were wrong. For god sake, I am not GOD or SAINT. I am just a normal human being that made mistakes and try to learn from it!
I hate being apart from my best friends.
I hate when other people try to control my life and pretending that they know me!Again, you do not know me that well la!

*sorry for the emo post*


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